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OK, lots more material planned for Patreon between now and the end of the year.

Lots of pledge cancellations recently but we understand that there can be a lot of competing financial demands.

However, here's what to look forward to in a general sense at least if you can make it through November and December's Patreon charges.

There'll be no January charge. Charges resume February 1st 2022.

As you all know, sometime in December, everyone who's ever made a lifetime contribution of at least $5 will get a copy of the 64 page Exiern story being made (completion sometime in December 2021 projected - hopefully the first half!) as a thank you for all your support!

More pages definitely coming in a number of our stories with early and exclusive publications depending on the story. We're also hoping to start some new things as well.

Finally for now, I have noticed a weird phenomenon of (often oddly named) accounts signing up and then cancelling the same day - often leaving me barely any time to write welcome to the Patreon messages back in the time before I used to wait a day or two first for that very reason.

I'm wondering whether these are bot accounts designed to hoover up all the content or something? Anyone else had any experience with these? I've been trying to avoid it all this time because it's a permanent change but I might have to look at making it so that you have to pay on signing up from February 2022.

Shouldn't affect the regulars at that time as you're paying monthly anyway and if we do convert to pay up front on signing up, we could then offer generous annual subscription discounts for anyone interested, especially since I know some of you have been here for many years, maybe some of you may be interested.

But I want to give everyone a decent amount of time to give their input first before I change anything. What does everyone think? This will definitely be raised again before February 2022 so there'll be plenty of notifications and updates to everyone about this before anything is changed from what it currently is.


Kile Mullen

I'd have no objection to changing the charge date. But then I've already signed up. Charging up front would slow down the drive-by scrapers. They tend not to try if it costs them real money.

james Langley

That is an odd phenomenon, but whatever you need to do to get it under control makes sense. Since Patreon debits my credit card I never really notice when it happens.


The date wouldn't change but if we do change from end of the month for the first charge to the moment of signing up, new patrons would have to pay something immediately, people already signed up wouldn't be affected if they didn't change their subscription.


The next question for everyone of course is about whether they feel they're getting their value for money or not and if not, is there anything we can do to help with that.