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As you might have heard it mentioned, Exiern runs at a deficit and sometimes that could be up to hundreds of dollars a month. Luckily at the moment we're at around break even thanks to Luis working on an exciting new project for someone else (corollary: they're paying what he needs to support his family at the moment).

So we're trying to make use of this opportunity to boost Exiern's monthly income with a combination thank you to existing patrons/enticement to return to former patrons/attempt to get new patrons. Realistically, you have to spend money to try and make money.

So to that end, I've just made the first down payment to the creator who is making the 64 pages or so multipanel story that every current patron in December will be receiving via their email account. Time to introduce the person making it and you may already be familiar with them.

It's Tom Reynolds who is a very prolific and very creative author and artist.

Lots of great work he's made and has on display in the following places:

(Please note adult content, so best to treat all the links to everyone from here as NSFW.)



Twitter (lots of samples of his art - please note, adult content!):


Deviant Art:


You might have noticed he's a 3-D graphical artist.

The thing about working with Daz and Poser that I've learned from Dizz over at WhiteOut and The Crease over the years that the lighting alone in order to make the 3-D models and the settings look natural is quite a complex undertaking that needs a lot of practice.

That whole 10,000 hours to become an expert at something? Not that far off the mark here either.

Then of course there's the writing of the story. Any story is a tricky proposition as the history of the creative arts have shown.

Let's not forget at this point other friends of ours who work in the 3-D graphical realm who make the excellent stories The Great Isle of Prentil and the Challenges of Zona respectively:

(On top of fantastic stories, they look excellent visually!)



As for Tom, we can already see Tom's work on Maiden King here in our own Patreon thanks to his generosity and had this been an Exiern story, we would have been very pleased with it given how good it is.

(It certainly would fit as being a kingdom somewhere else in the world, wouldn't it?)

But never fear, Tom is working on a whole new story for us. None of us know what's in it and we're not going to know until we get it in time for December.

(We did have a look at a concept pitch, made a few suggestions about how to make it more Exiern-like in general, then another pitch and a few more suggestions and we figured that was enough from us - third time's the charm and all that, Tom's written no end of excellent stories without us so that seemed like enough from us!)

And given his work so far, we all feel confident it's going to be quite good.

In the meantime, you can sample his work here 

Maiden King I - Part 1

Maiden King I - Part 2

Maiden King I - Part 3

Maiden King I - Part 4

Maiden King I - Credits

and we also highly recommend his work here with Poppy and the Rockets (link to TGC - a note about how it also has adult content). It's quite good, already onto a completed Part 2 on Tom's Patreon!

Maiden King TGC link here as well to Maiden King I and II (!) - up to five complete parts once again on Tom's Patreon! (Like we said, chock full of loads of great value!)

Anyway, we'll keep you all updated with progress!

For starters, look here! Could this be the first signs of what we could expect? Your guess is as good as ours!

(Please note this image should be fine but lots of adult NSFW content on Tom's Twitter.)


Tom will be providing previews of what work he's doing for Exiern over the rest of the year. We won't be looking ourselves because we want to be surprised with the end product but this is here for anyone who wants to get a sample of what's coming, by following Tom's Twitter, you can get previews of all of his projects including Exiern.

More later about this when we have it!



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