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Almost straight after I put that announcement up, I got this draft on Trello which our artist has very kindly said it's OK to share. We've left out the last panel to have something new for when the completed page ready to publish.

Here's the corresponding dialogue up to that point, though Scott may well change some of this for the final version.

Panel 1

The Book Golem pulls the scroll from Ctyx’s hands. He rolls back his head in resigned annoyed frustration.


Panel 2

Ctyx stands up and looks at the audience.

CTYX: So, what do you want from me? Typh pushed the spell too far and now has less control than ever. But, I mean, is this really better or worse than seeing him in a sexy outfit with a complete personality change forced on his brain?

Panel 3

Ctyx shrugs.

CTYX: I guess that’s for you to decide. And Peonie. And Phi. And Roh. And Peggy. How will they react? Can Spell Tiffany, which we’re calling “Spiff” off panel, convince Typh he’d be just as loved as some different person than he’d now become? Who knows. But to keep people’s interest here’s

(me not copying and pasting the rest)



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