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We're definitely going to be doing more posts on upgrading the Patreon tiers in future after collating as much data as we can and it will be an ongoing work in progress.

But for now, we can at least start a discussion about the Patreon going ahead with a few ideas and observations to begin with. 

We'll be wrapping up this run of posts on the behind the scenes of Exiern tomorrow with a post about the overall financial situation of Exiern and where we could from there before taking a break for a while.

Right, as we'll go into in more detail tomorrow, we need to see what we can do about increasing Patreon numbers and contributions as long as we're in deficit spending.

One way to try and do that is see what we can offer potential and existing patrons to join/upgrade. 

So, first off, is there anything that people on existing tiers that would make you think you'd consider upgrading and for those of you either following or not (but reading this obviously) to join any of the tiers? 

We appreciate the financial situation independent of content for many people has meant they couldn't stay even if they wanted to.

One idea we had was to blatantly steal this idea from Dave Barrack of Grrl Power where he added a $3 tier offering "Access to Monthly Nudie Pinups.Also the high res comics. But, come on. Like you're going to turn down the pinups."

(Though is it really stealing when you ask permission to completely copy one of their ideas and they said yes?) - we were just thinking of the pinups to start with and a $2 tier. This has been a huge success for Dave but we're aware he had a much large base of patrons when he started this. Does this interest anyone? This is just one idea we've looked at.

So this is the sort of thing we're going to try going ahead. I have talked to the creators of Spying With Lana, Bloomin' Faeries, Lady Valiant and Danger Zone One just for starters already even if just a little about ideas that have worked for them to see if these ideas could be adapted for us in some way which we'll present in future and we'll present them for discussion in a future post here. So just post was just to start things off.

Basically, what we're trying to find is those things which may acts as a kick the Patreon to break out of the $350-$400/month it's occupied for most of the last seven years. Maybe there's something for it out there, or maybe the revenue will have to be made up from somewhere else outside Patreon.

Well, I guess we'll see how we go. See you with the last of these posts for now tomorrow where we introduce the overall financial situation of Exiern. We hope you stop by!


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