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As previously, I've been finding all sorts of things in the files I was given access to prior to being handed the whole of Exiern (in theory). Up to now, I've been trying (and failing) to work out where exactly this was supposed to fit into the scheme of things.

The files were named by the date of production (as opposed to actual publication) and from what I have found by searching through them (it's not just one cloud storage site I had to examine), is that this page was labelled the 2012-03-06 (and published on the 1st of May 2012):


Then this page was labelled 2012-03-08 (and published on the 8th of May 2012):


(I haven't been able to find the page in between yet. Like I implied, things aren't the most streamlined they could be as they currently stand.)

Then this page is dated 2012-03-10.

However that doesn't actually answer the question as to when (or even if) this page was actually meant to be published.

I guess I could ask Scott about this, in fact I'm sure I already have. The answer is probably misplaced along with other Exiern material I have to find again (like this image, I've been aware of it for a while but kept forgetting where it was).

Anyway, it's here now. If anyone's got any guesses as to where it might have fit in to the story, please put them in the comments section below. Your guess is as good (and probably better!) than mine.

On the subject of fitting in, the speech balloons here were performing ever greater contortions to maintain any kind of semblance of being safe for work.

Not surprisingly, there's a much less contorted (and more revealing as a result) version which is going up a minute after this post but had to be behind a paid Patreon tier as a result (and I'll be griping about the Patreon AI again soon enough!)

Illustrated by Shipeng Lee (the time frame on top of the style would seem to fit).

Story on this page by one of Drowemos, Chemiclord or Scott T. Hicken, most likely (I really should ask about this too, shouldn't I?



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