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So, Patreon is NOT going to be changing its fees. I'd been working with other creators and reading up all in hopes I could post something of merit and insight about it and the switch didn't happen. So I'll say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has stuck around despite the threat.

And, of course, THANK YOU to everyone who has been supporting EXIERN! Antipus and I have been hard at work getting new pages ready for 2018. We're going to have a lot of "fun" with Typh and Alicia right when we get back, and then we're off on what I think will be EXIERN's biggest adventure so far. I've already seen Antipus capture new characters and Typh, Peonie, and Phi's new home for the next storyline and I am simply stoked.

Part of the reason the upcoming pages look so good is that ever since Drowemos decided his own art didn't meet his expectations of the comic EXIERN has paid artists to realize Typh and his fellow adventurers. At one time, when we were twice a week, EXIERN cost $1,200 a month with the previous artists. Now we pay Antipus $700 a month for EXIERN's weekly pages.

This is why reader support is so important. Every NPR station around me is doing fundraising now about how they couldn't be on the air like they are without listener support. And that is the same with EXIERN - it's only through reader donations that we can keep this going with the type of quality it has had. And this budget is only going to get tighter for me as I and my wife move forward in an adoption process. I want to keep EXIERN at the high levels we all expect it to be at, but I also need to keep a roof over our heads and food in our mouths.

This is why Patreon support is so important to EXIERN. And I want to make sure you know how important it is to me. It is why I try to make sure you get rewards each month, whether that is DARK REFLECTIONS when the creative process aligns, NEESE, or the PURPLE TIGRESS comic I've been posting to make sure you get something each month. Your support is not taken for granted. I appreciate it so much, and am so thankful for the support from every one of you.

So, as we go into 2018, I need to ask; do you feel appreciated? Are you getting the type of rewards you want? What can I do to better that?

What can I do better?



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