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A quick patch to fix up a bunch of issues the last update had as well as some extra additions! Check out the patchnotes below.

Added: New Common Enemy, The Cuddly Cutlery
Added: Gave The Fork Factory an extra spruce up with more props to give the location a bit more of a history
Added: Dyable accessories (Only 16 can be dyed at the moment)
Added: Three new head dyes
Added: Three new flashlight dyes
Added: Three new accessories
Added: New and missing loading screen text when entering the Hub World
Added: Extra stumps to sit on
Added: Extra decor to the blacksmith
Changed: The Gummed icon to a newer more easily identifiable one
Changed: Shmackus will now exhaust himself if he's unable to catch up to the player after 12 seconds
Changed: Lowered the volume of Wooer's injured ambience
Fixed: A bug where the player would be sinking into the bench by the fountain if they sat on it
Fixed: A bug where Protonitemare's music was missing in the Mystery Guest random event
Fixed: A bug where stalker enemies in Mystery Guest were missing their stalked status effect
Fixed: A bug where Corpse Berry's shop icons were out of place
Fixed: A bug where Bunky's hallucinations were using the old BUNKY model
Fixed: A bug where Florgin's halluciations were smaller than they should be
Fixed: A bug where the insects from Prehistoric Expedition weren't visible through the X-Ray goggles
Fixed: A bug where the Heart of Cards face was playing incorrect voicelines
Fixed: A bug where Krussy would have a 3/5 chance of spawning inside of a wall in Bear County's Doom Facility map
Fixed: A bug where Slumbus would spawn alongside random events such as Silent But Not On A Hill on all Splintered Island maps
Fixed: A bug where Slumbus' fake boxes of infinite silence were spawning in really weird places on Splintered Islands' Fish Guts Village map
Fixed: A bug where Gourd Creeper could spawn in the Mystery Guest random event before unlocking him via the Plompkin Patch seasonal event
Fixed: A bug where some doors would randomly open for no reason
Fixed: A bug where killing Krussy when he's in his lost phase prevents the cursed crew from dying as well

Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QXe4Imiphe2Ub1wTYAg4-GMuoEIr7sy-/view?usp=drive_link


Julian The Microwave.

Hey Dave When I Get Hurt By The Cuddly Cutlery I Can Hear The Injured Theme So Can You Put Some In Sound Cloud Pleas?

Alex Golden

just a question where did the crave dave face go???