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It is finally time for Dave.EXE's next major content update, featuring a new location, enemies, random events and the brand new Halloween event with exclusive rewards to unlock. I hope y'all enjoy this mega update! Worked real hard on it on such a short time frame, haha

Added: New Common Enemy, Sylvester
Added: New Common Enemy, Cursed Krussy
Added: New Common Enemy, Your Friend
Added: New Common Enemy, Hanako
Added: A new location, Shattered Islands
Added: A new Winky Wonky City map, Edgy Dave's Penthouse
Added: Four new random events
Added: Six new accessories, masks and grippers to Corpse Berry's shop
Added: Six new hats and three new outfits to Merchant Berry's shop
Added: A defuse health pickup that will appear in every timeline. Can only be used to recover lost health!
Added: A new water fountain model to the hub world
Added: The Berry Bulletin Board to the hub world to view the current update's patchnotes, change your hub world and even check out the new events that will be added!
Added: New crouch animations for the player
Added: New voicelines for Gatekeeper Berry
Added: Ten new propaganda lines
Added: A bunch of new voicelines for Edgy Dave
Added: Unique voicelines for Edgy Dave for when he busts down bookshelves
Added: A few new loading screen messages
Added: New loading screens
Added: A few new gameover screen messages
Added: One new hint to the gameover screen
Added: A sound effect for when Test gets stunned by a Frenzy Fidget or Berry Trap
Reworked: Item prices
Reworked: The lighting slightly in the hub world
Reworked: The Zombie Invasion random event. Slight run speed decrease, smaller hitbox, total zombie spawns have been reduced from 13 to 8 and can now be killed permanently
Reworked: Dracula's Castle's Ghostly Cemetery map with new visuals
Changed: The zoom in/out function a bit to allow the player to zoom out farther but can't zoom in so close to the player model
Changed: Repositioned the Fancy Cane gripper cosmetic on the player hand to better reflect how a cane should be held
Changed: Renamed Neko-Nya to Nekowave when selecting the character cosmetic set in the Inventory screen
Changed: Quitting a match no longer fails an unfinished quest. Felt unfair when dying wouldn't fail an alert fetch quest but quitting did.
Changed: Decreased the dodgeroll cooldown in the hub world by 0.5 seconds
Buffed: The Microthruster will now grant invincibility when thrusting
Buffed: The Wench Wrench can now instantly repair both busted and regular vending machines
Buffed: Increased the X-Ray Goggles' enemy reveal timer from 30 seconds to 60 seconds
Buffed: Slightly increased the range of Edgy Dave's flamethrower ability
Fixed: A bug where Baby Ducks couldn't knock over bookshelves and will now explode upon contact
Fixed: A bug with the Frick Fest coin reward text overlapping with the scrap reward icon
Fixed: A bug that allowed the player to pause the game while in the waifu challenges menu
Fixed: A bug where Edgy Florgin was using the sped up walk cycle while chasing the player instead of the correct run cycle
Fixed: A bug where dodge rolling into the mine shaft will cause the player to get stuck or fall through the ground
Fixed: A bug where ripping posters in Bear County's Fall Mall map would spawn Edgy Dave in the center and get stuck
Fixed: A bug where the player would face the wrong direction after interacting with the Berry Bribery menu
Fixed: A bug with the Troll Toll random event where interacting with the Troll Toll while wearing either Mr. Snooze or Berry the Microwave would play the wrong voiceline
Fixed: A bug with the Troll Toll random event on Bear County's Fall Mall map where the toll bar would float in mid-air
Fixed: A bug when picking up Baby Burr and wearing either the Mr. Snooze or Berry the Microwave face, it would play the wrong character voiceline
Fixed: A bug where Brink of Ruin's death timer would not work correctly if you did not have a quest active and result in an infinite black screen
Fixed: A bug where a zombie would spawn inside a vault location in Dracula's Castle's Rooftop Gardens map
Fixed: A bug where Auto Edge wouldn't remove Edgy Dave's spawn timer in Moonlit Mountain's Hotel Fever map, thus making it possible to have two Edgy Daves spawn

Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QXe4Imiphe2Ub1wTYAg4-GMuoEIr7sy-/view?usp=sharing


The J-est of Js

just downloaded the patch, i'm gonna be playing the good stuff tonight


Hi, i download and extract game today but after start the dave.exe aplication runs normaly and after few seconds crash to the windows without error..... Can u help?