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Hello all and welcome to the long anticipated major update to Dave.EXE! After finally reaching the halfway point in the game's development and with such an expansive update adding all sorts of new content as well as a fresh new take on the UI, we're bumping up the game to V3.0. There was still so much more I wanted to add to this update, such as the reworked tutorial, but I can only push so much stuff into an update before it starts to not only burn me out, but become even more difficult to test and make sure it's all stable.

With all that out of the way, please enjoy the update and read the patchnotes below!

Added: New Common Enemy, Polarsnap
Added: New Common Enemy, Lumi Valdis
Added: A Community Created Common Enemy, Mr. Tea
Added: A Community Created Common Enemy, Megan Mechie
Added: A brand new location, Moonlit Mountain
Added: A new in-game HUD
Added: Brand new Shop UI elements
Added: Two new items
Added: Four new random events
Added: One new quest Berry
Added: The ability to dodge roll while in the hubworld
Added: Flamethrower ability to Edgy Dave
Added: Water fountains across all maps to extinguish fire effects
Added: New Winter themed mainmenu scene
Added: Brand new gameplay mechanic. Climbable Walls. Scale over special walls to escape enemies.
Added: A new animation for Gatekeeper Berry when grabbing the soda you collected
Added: A new animation for the player when giving Gatekeeper Berry the soda you collected
Added: A new animation for crouch sliding
Added: A new animation and SFX when interacting with vending machines
Added: A new animation for interacting with Propaganda Towers
Added: A new animation for dodge rolling
Added: A new healthy run/injured run animation for when you're carrying a Gripper cosmetic
Added: A new set of animations for getting hit and transitioning to your injured idle/walk/run state
Added: Ten new voicelines for Gatekeeper Berry when given soda
Added: Six new Dave voicelines for busted vending machine interactions
Added: Two new Dave voicelines for getting hit
Added: Voicelines for all skins for the troll toll event and for the Baby Berr (For the most part, with Kyutowave getting her additional voicelines sometime in the future)
Added: Twenty-five new propaganda lines
Added: Ten new voicelines for Edgy Dave spotting you
Added: Sixteen new voicelines for Edgy Dave losing you
Added: Nine new voicelines for Edgy Dave attacking you and updated one attack voiceline
Added: A bunch of new voicelines for Rockem' Sockem' Randy
Added: A 0.5 second invincibility frame for the player to avoid unfair double hits that result in instant death
Added: Advanced Graphics Settings
Added: Volume Settings
Added: The ability to censor Edgy Dave's voicelines/silence the propaganda towers. This was mostly designed for Youtubers who would prefer less cussing in their vids.
Added: New sound effects for shop menus
Added: The Berry ATM to the hub world. Deposit tickets for coins!
Added: Five new outfits to the Secret Stash
Added: Four new hats to the Secret Stash
Added: Three new faces to the Legitimate Stop
Added: Seven new hats to the Legitimate Stop
Added: Eight new outfits to the Legitimate Stop
Added: The ability to click on the chapters in the Berripoodia's index to jump straight to that chapter
Added: Corpse Berry's shop, The Frick Fest and Berry's Beach/Microwave Waifus to the Berripoodia
Added: The Shocked debuff to the game
Added: The Burnt Debuff
Added: The Stalked Debuff
Added: The Gassed Debuff
Added: The Gummed Debuff
Added: The Rung Debuff
Added: The Berserk'd Debuff
Added: Roughly 50 new tips to the Timeline loading screens to help newer players
Added: The Free Hat for beating the Frick Fest's 25 win streak challenge
Added: Fullscreen/Window options
Added: A new gameover screen
Added: New background audio for the 'Testing My Patience' random event
Added: Auras will now appear for certain side objective interactions, such as the Gas Machines
Added: Two new propaganda posters
Added: Color dyes for your flashlight/face plate
Added: Three new microwave head skin tones to the Illegal Dye shop
Added: Injured ambience for TUNKY and BUNKY
Added: The actual TUNKY to replace the old Edgy BUNKY model.
Added: Light sources to the following Grippers: Yunder's Lantern and the Utility Flashlight
Added: Your Frick Fest win streak will now appear in the results screen
Added: A method for the game to penalize the player for alt-f4ing in the middle of a match. You will now lose progress on your Frick Fest Win Streak and any active quest.
Added: New spawnpoints for the Glorguards in Fork Factory, Platypus Pines and Winky Wonky City'
Added: Recycling quest items will now respawn the quest giver in the hubworld
Added: Letting go of left mouse button while interacting with a vending machine will no longer cancel it if it's 0.5 seconds away from completion to prevent letting go too early
Changed: Adjusted the flashlight brightness and look using Jay's super awesome new blueprint he came up with
Changed: Text for the quest notepads is now generated through set text nodes. Should prevent overlapping text.
Changed: Moderately increased The Florgin's size to account for it's new hunched over animations
Changed: Berry Jr. will now say the appropriate name corresponding to the face/character you're playing as. For example, when he says "Dave" it'll now say "Nekowave" if you're wearing Nekowave's face, etc
Changed: Chef Prowlnos' chase music has been updated
Changed: The werewolf sign in the Fall Mall to use a different sign, now that Scoobus' Arcade has gotten it's update in the past
Changed: Explosions will now knock over bookshelves
Changed: Lowered the size of all currency UI elements
Changed: All widget anchors have been readjusted to fit the center of the screen to support Windowed Mode
Changed: Replaced one of the Berry Radio voicelines with an updated voiceline
Changed: Rage Quit widget animation
Changed: Crouch sliding no longer slows the player down, but instead gives more distance to make it feel like you're really sliding. (Yay parkour!)
Changed: Many maps have been updated to feature new looping spots and additional bookshelves
Changed: Edgy Dave's spawn timer from 3-8 minutes to 4-8 minutes
Changed: Specific character faces will now play their own unique voicelines instead of requiring the whole outfit set
Changed: CockEye will now shift the arcade post process from green to red when a chase begins. Only occurs after being injured/dodge rolling into CockEye once.
Changed: Glorguard vision range has been reduced to match the lost variation. This should make completing certain vending machines without being spotted possible.
Changed: Dying when playing on a Monster Hunter or Random Event quest will no longer reset your win streak
Reworked: Platypus Pines location with new objects and visuals
Reworked: YFA now has voicelines, new animations and can shoot the player every 5 seconds during a chase
Reworked: All of BUNKY's animations
Reworked: Silent But Not On A Hill Event (Added "Otherside" effect that occurs every 2 minutes). Glorgos AI to use the patrol AI instead of the basic wandering AI and will now die instead of being stunned by offensive items.
Reworked: Soda or Bust event is now called, Gold Rush Soda Bust. All vending machines turn into Busted Golden Vending Machines that grant 100 coins upon completion
Reworked: Bookshelves will no longer block AI, they will instead proceed to bust it down if it's in their way, so only use them to slow down foes!
Reworked: Wild Wild West random event's AI to use the patrol AI instead of the basic wandering AI
Reworked: Zombie Invasion random event's AI to use the Tuffum AI instead of the basic wandering AI and will now remain dead for only 60 seconds instead of dying permanently to offensive items
Reworked: The Munchan Charm now grants 250 coins upon completing a timeline, but no longer grants 100 coins on a gameover due to the removal of the Medical Bill
Buffed: Beans will now apply a 50% Shocked Debuff upon damaging the player
Buffed: The Taker will now apply a 100% Shocked Debuff upon damaging the player
Buffed: Chef Prowlnos will now apply a 50% Shocked Debuff upon damaging the player
Buffed: Randy with a short 2 second grace period after spotting you before being able to lose you, boosts at the start of a rev up and punches can bust walls now
Buffed: Lanky Lonky now has a 1.8 second grace period before initiating his "Sight loss" timer for when a chase begins
Buffed: Grubbler will now grab the player 0.25 seconds faster.
Nerfed: Grubbler's hitbox is now shorter
Nerfed: Grubbler's phone timer has been extended by 15 seconds
Nerfed: Grubbler now runs at 710 speed as opposed to 725
Nerfed: Grubbler will stand still for half a second longer after tossing the player
Nerfed: Chef Prowlnos chase speed from 725 to 710 to account for his stealth nature Nerfed: The Cursed Seeker's chase speed from 725 to 710
Nerfed: Beans' shockwave shock after activating/deactivating will no longer damage you, and instead apply a 50% Shock Debuff effect. No more double damage Beans!
Nerfed: The Defuse will no longer prevent losing the Escape Artist bonus and will now act as an extra hitpoint for either recovering health or increasing your max health to 3.
Fixed: A bug that would cause two Grubblers to spawn in a double trouble event (Their powers don't pair up very well, LOL)
Fixed: A bug where the "Left Mouse Button To Interact" prompt stayed on screen after pressing left mouse button on a vending machine
Fixed: Potentially fixed a bug that caused you to lose all your coins after paying the troll toll on very rare occasion
Fixed: An exploit in Fork Factory's Parking Lot map where hiding beside a truck prevented AI from getting to you
Fixed: Missing textures in the Hubworld's brick walls using plain red color materials instead of brick materials
Fixed: Duck Den in Winky Wonky City's third map near the corner by the bookshelf that leads to the alley spawning a duckling in the ground
Fixed: Edgy Dave getting stuck in the building on Winky Wonky City's Dim Damn Alleys map
Fixed: Edgy Dave no longer spawning incorrectly on a couple of maps after collecting an alert fetch quest item
Fixed: A typo in Bear County's encyclopedia
Fixed: A bug where wearing the Kyutowave outfit wouldn't trigger the unique voicelines for Edgy Dave spotting the player
Fixed: Ass light bug
Fixed: A bug where quitting the Speedy Gonzalez random event wouldn't reset the game audio speed to the default value
Fixed: Wooer running in place after attacking the player
Fixed: A bug where Grubbler's voicelines would play if you didn't hear them after losing him the first time and returning to the spot where they would've played
Fixed: A bug where hiding inside the box breaks the navmesh in Winky Wonky City's Roaring Streets map
Fixed: A bug relating to CockEye's Lost BPs using the wrong attack animation
Fixed: An exploit where the player could crouch up onto the well in Bear County's Destiny's End
Fixed: A bug where the progress on certain progession bars were out of sync in the Speedy Gonzalez random event
Fixed: A bug where dying to the Brink of Ruin event would fail fetch quests before they were even finished
Fixed: A bug where the audio wouldn't loop near the burning helicopter crash on Bear County's Destiny's End map
Fixed: A collision bug with the burning helicopter crash on Bear County's Destiny's End map
Fixed: Edgy Slumbus asslight bug
Fixed: Arcade Machine spawning in the wrong direction on Platypus Pines' Fire Lookout map
Fixed: Randy still moving after being killed
Fixed: A bug where certain face cosmetics weren't playing their appropriate voice lines when tripped over by tentacles.
Fixed: A bug that allowed you to use the Wench Wrench while interacting with other interactables, consuming the wrench with no benefit whatsoever
Removed: Berry's Medical Bill from the gameover results screen. Quitter penalty will still apply if you disconnect from a match or die from the Dave's Demotivation random event
Fixed: The UV unwrapping on the Survival Fit cosmetic
Fixed: A bug where the hitboxes on vending machines weren't functioning properly if you pressed your body up against them
Fixed: A bug where the audio for the blizzard that occurs in the Proto-Nitemare random event for maps like Winky Wonky City wouldn't loop correctly

Note: The build has been updated to use 7zip instead of Winrar. There seems to have been an issue where Windows Defender was giving a few players a false positive, but this should now be sorted! If it's still giving you issues, be sure to let me know.

Download 64 Bit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QXe4Imiphe2Ub1wTYAg4-GMuoEIr7sy-/view?usp=share_link



I really appreciate the effort you go through to add all of this content! Imma download this now :D


Awesome sauce