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A patch that not only now correctly displays the version number from here on out (was calling it V2.4.0 when it should've been V2.5 ever since Content Update #5 came out) but also fixing a bunch of bugs and even including some new content that was suggested by players after the new update dropped yesterday! Check out the patchnotes below:

Patchnotes for V2.5.1:

Added: The game's version number to the title screen
Reworked: The mainmenu widgets to feature the current content update's logo as well as increased the font size and moved some buttons around
Reworked: The Wooer. Increased the wander music range, patrols the map faster and now stops for a brief moment when spotting you before beginning a chase
Changed: Some areas to loop and lose the enemy were modified on some of the Dracula's Castle maps as well as a few small misc changes to other maps (This was present in the previous update, but wasn't mentioned)
Changed: Moved The Grubbler's character model a bit further away from his capsule component to prevent camera clipping
Fixed: Ducklings not spawning correctly on the Reworked Fork Factory maps
Fixed: A bug where the bar that raises up in the troll toll event after paying the toll would spawn somewhere random on the Dracula's Castle and Bear County maps.
Fixed: A bug where the button to enter the beach in the results screen wasn't functioning correctly
Fixed: Some Gas Machine/Duck Den spawns spawning inside of objects in a few of the Fork Factory reworked maps

Patchnotes for V2.5.2:

Added: Controls screen after reading the story synoposis the first time you play
Changed: Readjusted the values of most random event bonus coin rewards
Changed: Increased the hitbox size for bones and stuffing
Fixed: A bug where The Wooer's edge variant would not play the correct run animation after losing his initial 2 second speed boost
Fixed: Every instance of the troll toll bar appearing in random places on all maps, including Fork Factory, Platypus Pines and Winky Wonky City
Fixed: Removed some grass appearing on random pine trees on the reworked Fork Factory maps
Fixed: Made some readjustments to Winky Wonky City's Rooftop Rumble map in hopes of fixing some of the navigation issues
Fixed: Twilight being unable to see the player after phasing into existence

Download 64 Bit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QXe4Imiphe2Ub1wTYAg4-GMuoEIr7sy-/view?usp=share_link



can you fix bob the builder cancel project killer on patreon pls dave microwaves