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Welcome one and all, to the unfinished build of Nitem's Void! This game was basically a prototype for Vex Clock back in April 2021, when I was learning how to make a third person sword based combat game. Roughly a year later, I picked the concept back up and turned it into Vex Clock in February of 2022 and now here we are! Releasing an old unfinished build of the prototype, of Nitem's Void.

The game features two levels, lacks the currency and shop system and it's hubworld is pretty barren. Regardless, I hope you enjoy! Had to spend a few days touching it up and adding stuff, such as the enemy AI that was borderline complete at the time and was missing from the original build I showed off in a Youtube video of mine back then.

Controls: W,S,A,D to move, Left Shift to sprint, Space to dodge roll, Left Mouse Button to attack, Escape to pause the game

Download 64 Bit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E0oVsZYSurVsHKv7lLJoTZe-v8pQMQc9/view?usp=share_link


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