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A new foe? Yes and more specifically a new event enemy! Can I also tell you something else? There's more than two regular enemies showing up to wreck your timelines and beat you up real good. Now I don't want to outright spoil the guy, but I feel like it might be obvious who this is if you've been around for a little bit. :b

And now some additional news! I've been working hard on getting maps 2 of 4 done these past three days and man, I'm really happy with how they're turning out for sure. Been taking extra time crafting them and so far I'm quite pleased with the results. The next map coming up takes place in a town where memories of the past once lied. Now abandoned due to Edgy Dave's presence, the vending machines you must collect are now scattered around the town, waiting to be looted. Good luck!

And that's a wrap! Always exciting to see folks looking forward to playing the new update. Gonna be quite a big one, that's for sure. To tell you the truth, feature creep got me good with this update. Originally went from adding (name redacted) and throwing in a couple bug fixes, to (name redacted) being added as well and then eventually The First and this new series of maps and random event stuff showed up and that's when all the public announcements kicked in, lol. It's gotten pretty dense, but I'm really happy with the results!


GT Vlog

Yep i know who it is