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Unless y'all have been living under a rock, you've probably heard about Scooby Horror: Arcade resuming development this month. For the past 20 days, I've been working 14 hour shifts to get this game done on time for the 31st, and maaaaaan is it turning out pretty good so far, at least I'd like to hope so, lol. Only time will tell if it becomes a good game or just another Scooby Horror game, as in, boring as shit, lol. I've always felt the Scooby Horror games were boring to play or generally a slog to get through. You're just wandering around, grabbing items, running away from enemies that aren't very threatening and escape.

Scooby Horror: Arcade's gameplay flow is much different from previous installments. I've done my best to try and alleviate the slow movement issue by increasing the player's run speed, adding a stamina bar, a lives system, only having one enemy present on the map (sometimes a duo if it's a specific enemy combo from an episode) and making that AI always have a general idea where the player is, so you're constantly on the move/getting chased more often.

But what about the objectives? I've explained in the past that I wanted to make the gameplay different from the rest of the previous games by adding clue collecting, trap building (kind of like Rust) and catching the villain as your main goal of winning. Along with this, there will be various obstacles, methods of evading the monster and other neat gimmicks.

Not to spoil too much, but there's lots of cool additions to the game besides just the general gameplay, such as multiple maps based on classic Scooby Doo episodes, currently five maps in the release version of the game and a simple progression system. 

For now, I leave you with a few screenshots of stuff to expect!