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Well I'm glad ya asked! The game is called Prototype One, a survival horror game inspired by Silent Hill and Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion. The gist of the game is that you're going through 100 randomly selected rooms to defeat enemies, collect Buff-up Coins and make it to the end, where you'll encounter your last trauma manifestation to fight and overcome to beat the game.

Players who are familiar with Doomy in the Roomy will definitely dig the game I'm sure! It's got a sense of level randomness to it, but still fair enough to be beatable. I've yet to finish the game so I can't give a whole lot of details, such as whether the game will end up being roguelike or not, is it possible to 100% level up your character by the end of the game or will you get dicked by RNG, that sort of thing. Hopefully I can balance the game well enough before release, excited to get it done! It's pretty different from the usual games I've made in terms of gameplay, never really done that many combat focused games, but it's been a really fun learning experience. I've yet to finish the last zone, but once it's done, I'll be moving onto the boss fights, menus and wrap up production. It may be awhile before it's out, but hopefully soon!

In the meantime, feast your eyes on some WIP screenshots. Yes, the player character model is still missing it's shirt textures and such, lol.


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