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Dave.EXE's Edgy Education Update is now available! Featuring a brand new hubworld, map, enemies, and much much more! Check it out below!

Disclaimer: This game is rated M if it wasn't obvious, it mostly consists of inside jokes, since it's based on my OC character and other random nonsense our friend circle came up with. Oh yeah, and expect swearing and stuff, lol.

Here are the patchnotes:

Added: A new hubworld, Berry's Beach
Added: A new currency, prize tickets (don't worry, it's not premium currency, it's just another special currency you can acquire in-game, lol)
Added: A new vender exclusive to Berry's Beach, Cap'n Blackfur. He will offer the player a chance to gamble schmeckles for prize tickets. Use these prize tickets to purchase new cosmetics and an item exclusive to his store.
Added: Microwave Waifus, yes really. These waifus will offer special challenges for the player to complete and offer rewards such as, prize tickets, schmeckles, and an OwO Charm if you complete each waifu's set of challenges.
Added: OwO Charms, these charms are earnable by completing a microwave waifu's set of challenges. Each OwO Charm can grant the player different gameplay advantages, but you can only equip one at a time!
Added: Two new items to the blacksmith
Added: Two new quest givers
Added: A brand new location, The Super Schoolhouse
Added: A new enemy, Beans
Added: A new enemy, The Glorguards
Added: Three new random events
Added: A special chest to both hub worlds. This chest will allow you to check out all the cosmetics you've unlocked across both hub worlds to make equipping cosmetics faster and easier.
Added: A new ability for Edgy Dave
Added: New lines for Dave, Edgy Dave, and new propaganda.
Added: New injured and "monster nearby" ambience for The Taker
Added: A new random event to the hub world
Added: The ability to zoom the third person camera in and out
Added: New voicelines exclusive to the Padre Snowmizzle cosmetic set
Reworked: The flashlight spotlight, it will now follow the first person camera's view rather than the character mesh while in first person mode
Reworked: Projectiles to act more like projectiles
Reworked: The lighting across all maps in the game
Reworked: Platypus Pines' map, The Sacrifice to have more foliage and feel more dense Reworked: Winky Wonky City's map, Rooftop Rumble to have one less dead end by connecting one part of the rooftops to another to make navigation much easier and less of a pain.
Reworked: Dave's animation blueprint to have more smooth transitional animations
Buffed: Cape of Ikantcee to be active for 20 seconds instead of 10 seconds
Buffed: Dodge roll's distance
Changed: First Person Camera FOV from 90 to 110
Changed: Flashlight beam to be a wee bit wider.
Fixed: A bunch of bugs like Ducks playing their running animation after exploding, monster hunter quests not spawning their AI properly on the Rooftop Rumble map, etc.

And that about wraps up this update. Hope you all enjoy and have fun in the Nothingness!

Download 64 Bit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QXe4Imiphe2Ub1wTYAg4-GMuoEIr7sy-/view?usp=sharing
Download 32 Bit: https://drive.google.com/file/d/110R8nvHFrVlqhdKoGOGKL5YNY8B6nQPZ/view?usp=sharing


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