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Heyo, haven't made a casual post like this in awhile, especially about Patreon, but I think it's important I talk about stuff like this every once in awhile to keep everyone up to date about my plans going forward. As y'all may know, Our Savior: Recorn Culted dropped on Itchio/Gamejolt a few days ago and has done pretty decent so far! But I've been thinking about how long it's been since I made an actual new IP, and feel like all I've been doing recently has just been sequels or remakes for the most part. So to break out of this cycle, I'm planning on working on a new original game next, before I move onto STFTD's update and Shopping Nightmare 2. Gonna try and do something sort of new and innovative, instead of the usual FPS horror game, I wanna get out of my comfort zone more and do some new things maybe.

Now time for some real patron news! I'm gonna try and release a new patron exclusive game or two here onto Patreon this year, they'll probably be made at complete random, mostly when I'm just trying to get my mind off my main projects. Not sure what they'll be like and how "innovative" they'll be, but I hope y'all will look forward to them. I always enjoy making screw around kind of games for Patreon, since it's my way of destressing and giving y'all something new to play. Of course besides patron exclusives, I'll continue making posts about behind the scenes stuff I'm working on that I don't normally post on Twitter/YT. I wanna give y'all more juicey content to look forward to besides gaaaaaames.

And that about wraps up this little news post! Thank you for reading and I'll see y'all later!


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