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Howdy! Thought I'd give y'all an explanation as to why the update didn't come out last week, and why I believe it won't come out before the end of this month. So as some of you may know, the build IS technically finished, however, I've been going ham on polishing this build and adding every little bit of detail I can before I send it out. I know, I know, I don't have to but I'm a perfectionist, and I must make this as polished and bug free as possible so I don't need to package the game again, cause that takes an eternity to do, lmao. So, once I get the last of the stuff done on my to-do list, package and play test extensively, I'll release the build over here on Patreon! Again, my apologies if you were expecting to play the newest build this month, I'm telling y'all, it'll be worth it in the end! Some of these animations LOOK SO GOOD compared to the old choppy animations some of the bosses used to have. We still have plans to give a few other characters some rigs and animations where need be, to make them look more smooth. I wish we could give animations to every character in the game, but it's too late at this point, it would require me to go through a ton of AI blueprints. But overall it's fine, regular characters have more of the stop motion style and the big boy enemies have more smooth animations. Hope it doesn't look too jarring when it's all completed.

Hope you'll look forward to playing the newest build whenever it's done! Like, it has to come out this week, I'll fall behind schedule so hard if I don't get this build out soon, lol.


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