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Okay wow damn, this update's pretty friggin big! lol. Get ready to replay all the previous levels again if you want to unlock all the goodies, cause a lot has changed/been added to the whole game. Oh and unfortunately your saves are gonna get wiped due to some technical issues with saves not getting saved into your appdata properly. Sorry about that! But hey, at least you get to go back to these old levels anyway to snag some of these extras, lol. Seriously, I'm really sorry about the save wipe, I am just a bad programmer. XD

DISCLAIMER!!!: You are NOT allowed to record any footage or publicize the alpha builds. Doing so will revoke your access to any future builds of the game. Again, please do not record any footage of these alpha builds, thank you.

Added: Goofy Goobers

Added: Larry's Gym

Added: The Extras Menu

Added: Extras to every level in the game, these extras are random objects in the environment that you must press E on. If you think it looks like it stands out, don't be afraid to press E on it.

Added: Hint Clams. The Hint Clams finally return in this new update! These hint clams will only appear in certain levels to teach you brand new mechanics, such as when you first collect the Mayo Minigun in 3451 Anchor Way.

Added: A new Jellien type, The Volters

Reworked: Sandy's Treedome. This rework is completely different from the original. It still has the same concept of melting the frozen lock on the door, but the objectives are different, The NutAlarm has gotten some pretty interesting buffs and Wormy and the Nut Bots are no where to be found. They felt meaningless to the level, so now things are tailored more towards trying to outmaneuver the Nut Alarm.

Changed: The Kelp Dunes in Patrick's Rock. No longer can you easily cheese your way around the kelp. Now you have to follow a path to get in and out of the Kelp Dunes.

Changed: The Boating School Indoors section to feature a new bathroom area, new vent locations for The Belchers, and an updated AI for Mrs. Puff. Now Puff wanders the school and will puff up to chase the player when spotted.

Changed: Jellyfish Fields to have more trees, Alphas who knock down the boulders from the mountain top and extra environmental stuff to add more life to the map.

Changed: Squidward's Monument a wee bit by making the stairwells look a little more fancy.

Nerfed: 3451 Anchor Way by making the Pinkie much slower and removing a few plank locations. The level's difficulty has now been changed to Easy.

Nerfed: The Industrial Park. The amount of Anglers in Industrial Park has been knocked down to two instead of four, Plankton's Belch Bubbles have smaller hit boxes and The Boat Mobile attack now nose dives and explodes instead of falling flat.

Added: New voice lines for The Plankton Clone voiced by Uncle Al once again!

Added: A lot of polish and balancing to previous levels.

Fixed: A ton of bugs

And that about wraps up this update, go download it and have some fun! Remember to answer the answer form here once you're done play testing this.

Answer Form Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1NBymljit8B-5NRNqsAgwZvLd3dZ3aKzKYWZJ-8YXZJs/edit?ts=5d87a8b0

Alpha V3.0 Download Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rWIs99JwLUgXXJ0db7D4Q5sp2KFwWO9i