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Really? Yes really! This new version of the game features a new level, collectables in every level (minus Sandy's Treedome due to the upcoming rework), new animations, improvements and fixes.

DISCLAIMER!!!: You are NOT allowed to record any footage or publicize the alpha builds. Doing so will revoke your access to any future builds of the game. Again, please do not record footage of these alpha builds, thank you.

Added: A new level, 3451 Anchorway

Added: Collectables to all current levels

Added: New animations for enemies and characters

Added: Gameover screens with hints on how to counter the enemy that killed you

Added: New voice lines for all the main characters

Added: Cinematic bars to all cutscenes (minus a few that I felt like they didn't need it)

Added: A new view reticle

Added: A new info screen that shows how to earn each collectable/achievement

Added: The save mechanic along with a, "Are You Sure" message if you accidentally click the clear data button in the mainmenu

Added: New visual effects and particles

Added: A skip button to the cutscene before the Glove World Maze

Reworked: The Krusty Krab to feature multiple difficulties and a training video

Changed: The proceed screen to display more info about the level you're entering

Changed: Big Lenny's AI to be slightly less campy after he loses the player

Nerfed: The top of Jellyfish mountain to have less Jelliens

Fixed: An absolute mountain of bugs that I can't list here due to me forgetting, LOL

Due to this being the alpha versions of the game, it doesn't carry over your demo save, so you'll have to collect any collectables and earn any achievements you earned in Glove World, Spongebob's Pineapple and Squidward's Monument. And don't forget to answer the alpha test form! You can access the form in the mainmenu in-game.

Download Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1WmlVskNl7xybGtiKgaYC6rHaJ5zZYwMK