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Been doing lots and lots of polishing and quality of life changes for the Alpha V2.2 update. I've completely finished Anchor Way, adding in all the audio and polishing the cutscenes. Now I've started adding the new objectives system to every level as well as new gameover screens for when you die. Now your objectives appear on the top left and when you die, you get a gameover screen showing a hint as well as a quit, restart level and reload checkpoint buttons.

Also a few other things I've been meaning to add to this new build are the collectables for every level as well as the Krusty Krab challenges. These challenges are gonna be multiple difficulties for the level, and for each one you complete, it'll give you a collectable. Complete every challenge (difficulty) and you'll ace the level. We've conceptualized what the menu's gonna look like. None of this is in engine yet, so we have plenty of polishing to do before we add it in game.

Here's my to-do list for this current build.


1. Finished 3451 Anchor Way

2. Templates for objectives and gameover screens


1. Adding the new objectives and gameovers to every level

2. The Krusty Krab challeges

3. Collectables on every level

4. New walk cycles and death animations for every enemy

Once all this is added in, I can ship out the update to y'all and you can give me your feedback on it via the Google answer form that will be found in the bottom right corner of the mainmenu screen.


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