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We're about to hit the end of June, and unfortunately I'm behind schedule. Mr. Krabs' house should've been done by now but unfortunately that demo took up more time than I hoped and ended up almost screwing me completely by not having one level done this month, lol. But all hope is not lost! Thankfully the house was a small level so it's only taken me about a week so far to make and it's already almost done. The level structure is complete, the objectives are pretty much finished, just gotta work on the AI, finish touching up the objectives and monitoring it's difficulty, make the intro/outro cutscenes and then boom! it's done. I honestly hope I can get this level done by tomorrow or Monday. I want to ship it out to y'all to get some feedback on it, but I may consider holding back on that until I add all the collectables to every level minus The Krusty Krab, since that one's gonna be different in regards to how you get collectables.

For now I leave you with this teaser of Mr. Krabs' rootbeer cellar.