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So back when I made Patreon, I was cranking out games faster than you could say wumbo. So in my ignorance at the time, I created the 100 dollar goal that was originally gonna be for every few games I make, I'll pick and guarantee make a game based on your suggestion. That has changed. Since my games are now taking months (almost a whole year) to develop and have other plans for original projects, there is just no way I can do that original goal. So now it's been changed to something I find much more reasonable. When I reach the 100 dollar goal, I'll be able to "expand my team" by paying to have guys like Padre Snowmizzle and/or KC MXXN to continue working on my future projects. With me paying Padre I can continue to have great art in my projects and overall have higher quality looking games and with me paying MXXN, I can get more of his sick tracks in my games.

I hope this doesn't come as a disappointment, it's just I never realized how crazy game deving was gonna get this year compared to last year, haha. I thank you all for your generous donations and I hope to have you stick around much longer.

Much love. -Dave


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