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Super excited to announce that we've hit the third goal! Thank you all who have donated in the past and recently, your support means the world to me. Now to discuss business...

The third goal allows all patrons (this includes $1 and up) to help shape one of my projects once every few games cause obviously I can't do this for every game, lol. Basicly, each person gets to send one concept, this can be an enemy or character, a location, an item, etc and I'll pick and choose which one's get put into the game. But unfortunately with Around The Clock, I can't be doing this since 1. The enemy roster is jam packed at the moment and I can only accept the next enemy or two my recent $10 patrons will be sketching up. 2. All the locations in the game are set in stone, can't be adding anymore. 3. There are no items in the game except for objectives.

So would y'all be alright if I push this little event for my next game? I plan on working on an original game this Spring/Summer if I get the time. So maybe when I work on that game, we can do this thing? I hope you'll all be fine with this. Cause this honestly caught me by surprise, lol. Wasn't expecting to reach this next goal till the end of the year.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! - Dave



cool thanks man and keep up the great work as all ways


oh and one more question can i see the modles for spongebob squidward mr krabs and patrick plese