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So far progress has been a little slow for The Industrial Park for various reasons, but thankfully it should be done before April. All I gotta do now is work on the final boss battle sequence for the level, the ending cutscene then move onto the next level. I should be releasing a new alpha test build for my $5 (and up) patrons soon when the level's complete. You'll be able to see the new badass intro sequence that plays when you boot up the game, along with some nerfs to all four previous maps to make it easier and this amazing new level. I really hope this game meets expectations, cause even if I don't make a lot of money off of this game (donation wise) I'll be happy if I see everyone's enjoying it. :)


hero snowman

5$ and up patrons?

Dave Microwaves Games

Yeah, I feel bad that I've practically scammed them with the fact that they're supposed to be able to play test my games before they release, which they have, but 1 dollar patrons have been able to play test my games aswell and that's not right. So from now on, any test builds for my projects will be for $5+ patrons only. However, 1 dollar patrons still get to see images and videos of stuff I'm working on and the occasional bonus downloadable games like my old abandoned projects.