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Okay, back again and working on lots of new ideas and stuff. So I thought its time to give you an update of what you can expect the next time.

First of all, I changed the payment to the new model Patreon is offering, because I guess its the most fair way:

Billing schedule: Patrons are charged on the day they join your membership, and then monthly on that same date. For example, if a patron joins on the 10th, they’ll be charged on that day, and then monthly on the 10th. All patrons who joined before your switch to subscription billing continue to be charged on the 1st of each month.

And here my plans about the upcoming projects:

First of all, I will work on 3 main stories that will be connected with side stories too. Because I guess mixing content will be less boring for you and me. For those 3 projects you will get an ongoing story comic where I only will use images that fit for the storytelling and each special scene will be published as no text image series including all images I created.

1.: Dr. Feelgood: This series will be all about body science and other crazy and funny stuff. Main character will be Joseph, the inventor you already know from the Genius X image series. And who knows, maybe his brother will be included with side stories too. The first textless scene I already published and now I am working on a second scene and the story-comic part.

2.: Comic World: Scene 1 is already ready and will be available for you the next days. I just need to finalize the final idea for the storytelling. Its about saving a fantasy world with all the characters you know from games and movies with some special magic. Its a bit of a fanfiction.

3.: School of X-Magic Reload: This will now finally start because I guess I have the right idea now. This will be more told like a Manga or Anime story. I will try to make it funny... Maxwell is starting his training in a new magical school full of girls from different species. I just need to finalize the first scripts now so I can hopefully start working on it soon.

4.: Finishing some open things and creating fun side stories. I know there are a few image series unfinished and I will try to finish them all in the next weeks and months. And if I have ideas that do not fit to the 3 project above, or I need to free my mind a bit, I will create some small image series.

So I guess that´s a good plan to go on for the moment. And to be honest, relaxing was nice, but its nice to work on new ideas again.

Ah, the teaser image is from Dr.Feelgood. (and maybe you can see what idea I worked on before my break, will be included in that story)



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