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I guess you have realized that I am not posting so much at the moment. I am still working on new images and stories, but posting the updates is a bit stuck and promoting them on Deviant or other sides. This is because I have some changes in my main job and I started another big project that needs some time and is blocking me a bit on my work for Chaosbirdy.

First of all many, many thanks to all of you, who are supporting me and have supported me in the past. And even if I do not have a very huge number of supporters, I want to give my best and make you happy. But at the moment I feel that I can not do it like I want it, so I decided its time to take a break.

What does that mean?

- I will close this channel for July, August and maybe September, means I will set the memberships to 0EUR. 

- I will still work on the open stories and will update and close them in the next weeks.

- Links will stay for the moment like they are, so you can still access all my work and get the updates for the unfinished works.

Okay, but will I come back?

I do not make all that stuff to earn money and get rich. I do it because I like it and its fun to do. But the fun was changing to work that needs to be done in the last time, so if I come back in September or October, I guess I will start with a new concept. I have already an idea, but need to take time to think about it.

For sure I will take some time to create a big archive with a good sorted version of all my stuff I have done so far, that will stay available for free, but this will be done if I have time for it.

... and to be honest, I do not want to promise anything, but I guess I will come back... I just need some time to get a free mind again and sort all my ideas I have in mind... I guess this time off will be more like some vacation...

How can you see it goes on? Just check my Patreon or Slushe accounts for new updates. Or watch this channel.

Thanks again for all your support in the past and lets see, if I will come back and if you still like what I do and you want to support me.



Enjoy your break! Looking forward to what comes next :)