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Here we go: these 8 fighters could be the next. So whom you would like to see in a match and is there someone you want to fight against each other?

You can add your wishes as commments here, as well as on other plattforms. I will post these images during the next days on my other profiles too:

Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/cbsfutasquad/gallery
Slushe: https://slushe.com/Chaosbirdy
Newgrounds: https://chaosbirdy.newgrounds.com/

(One fight I think I would like to see is Abby against Ellie, just because of the background. But what do you think?)




Abby/Ellie sounds good. Also like the idea of Abby/Ripley, Triss/Yen, Miranda/Yen, & Miranda/Ripley.