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Finally my equipment is up and running again, so I can work on all projects again. So updates will come the next days again.

I used the offtime to think about some ideas and get some inspirations and I think there will come up some cool and crazy stuff in the next weeks and months. So be surprised what I have in mind now.

One big update is that I started working on the reboot of School of X-Magic. Yesterday I reworked the characters for the first part of the story and I am happy with the results so far. The teaser image is showing 8 new magical students and 3 teachers of them. And yes, this time we will have some magical creatures included. Some of the characters you already know from the original series and some maybe from other series, but not sure if you really can see who is who. I will do some character images and maybe some images with before and after for those characters that are updated versions of existing ones. 

And yes, Maxwell is the main character again, but with some updates on his backstory. This time I guess it will be a bit more magical than in the original story, so lets see whats coming up next.




Just a short update: The characters from left to right: - Scarlet (Centaur-Woman / Teacher) - Fei (Human / Student) - Ryoko (Human / Student) - Maxwell (Human / Student) - Rebecca (Construct / Student) - Erin (Human / Student) - Cassandra (Fairy / Student) - Eva (Vampire / Student) - Nadja (Demon / Student) - Larissa (Human / Director and Teacher) - Quinn (Gnome/ Teacher)