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Okay, this image is a small teaser of a short story with some guys having fun with a nice girl in the dressing room. This was planed to be released this month, but I guess because of some technical issues and the volume of it, I will get this finished not before mid of July.

The next days I am not able to do any renderings on my main computer, so the production on this story is totally stopped until my main computer is available for rendering again. I have already 9 images ready, so I will finish them the next days, so I can upload them for you as a teaser already. And I am not sure yet, but I guess this one will be longer than my standard stories with 30 images.

For the new stories I told you I have some other plans and formats in mind, so this story is just a filler, but its still something I always wanted to try out. But whats the new format? Just a short hint: the story will be a comic format with more or I guess less real sex. But for each sex scene I will add an images series in the fullscreen format like you know it. But I will do some tests on my laptop on this before I start rendering this on my main computer. So I can use the time I am not able to render on my main computer for these tests...

So watch out for what will come next!

And yes, on my new special channel (the skinsuit one) there will be the first update in the next two days, because I was able to nearly finish the first story already. But more info on that in the next days.



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