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My computer is up and running again, so only some small adjustments left, but I can already work on my stories again. But this technical problems blocked me a bit working on new things. To compensate this I decided to create a short story that was fast to render (faster than the normal images).

So hope you like it and now I can start working on the other projects again, like it was originally planned.

I am trying a new software for the text part and with this software created a PDF and image  version of this story. So lets see if I will add PDFs in the future for stories too.

To download it, check the download folder of your supporter tier:

Bronce supporter: check this post for the downloadlink https://www.patreon.com/posts/download-for-30994962  (folder: Sakuras Special Training)

Silver and Gold supporter: check this post for the downloadlink   https://www.patreon.com/posts/download-for-and-30995074 (folder: CBRed / _mixed / SakuraSpecialTraining)
