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As I already announced some time ago, I want to pause the School of X-Magic series. The reason for this is that I found out that I like the series, but it hasn't developed in any way as I wanted it to and still would like it to. That's probably because this project was my first as Chaosbirdy and I just wanted to do too much. With the omnipotent character Maxwell I created an interesting story line, but because of that what I wanted to achieve was lost. Besides, it's all about Maxwell, because the character is so big and powerful that there is not much room for other characters.

That doesn't mean that I don't like the stories, on the contrary, but I have reached a point where I have to decide how exactly to go on.

Originally, I had actually thought of something that radiates those Harry Potter vibes. A group of friends who discover the magic together and of course satisfy their more sexual side with it. And yes, I still want to realize this idea, but the way the story at School of X-Magic developed, it's not really possible anymore. 

I have considered the following options:

School of X-Magic in its current form will be paused for a while and then continue harder and darker. I want to focus even more on the omnipotence of Maxwell and so he will be traded as a potential new witch-king and has to secure his position of power. That means he has to strengthen his ranks and create allies however he can and compete against his opponents. That means it would become a little bit harder and darker, so it would be a logical development to what has already become a little bit apparent. But I would only take this path after a break. So to speak as season 2 and then definitely fitting with a Red-Label.

I would also create a second series, which would hopefully correspond to what I originally wanted to do. A group of 2 or 3 new magic students who get to know the fantastic world of magic for themselves and play around with it. So no omnipotent chosen one, but just a few friends who have fun and experience a lot of crazy things. 

Here I will do the Marvel Move and move the whole thing into an alternative reality, i.e. School of X-Magic will be reseted and a new class with new orientations will start in the school. For this I think I will use many of the characters again, but do something different. But I have to plan this once again in peace.

As soon as there are new infos about this, I will provide you with an update. Now it's time to take my time to plan everything and to keep the other running projects alive.



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