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I wanted to give you a better overview over the content with some different articles where I split detail information of the stories, but I think this is to complicated and not nice. So I decided to create a google doc where you can see a timeline, which story was published what month and a second page with an overview by channel.

This overview contains all contents of the "normal" stories, the Red Edition as well as the Futa Squad releases. So you will not miss something in the future. Only single published images or testrenderings are not added here, as well as the Behind the Scenes stories. Maybe I will add the Behind the Scenes stories on an extra page later. Work in Progress stories are added if the are finally released.

Use this link to see the whole content overview: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1MzkzoKyhnHelGnyboeoCNHb3Pqz9-juQt2OChGj1L28/edit?usp=sharing

The teaser image is just the cover of my first work :) 

And just a short head up: if all goes like planed, a new short Behind the Scenes story will be released later this day too.



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