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Attention, text will be a bit longer, but I think it is important.

The survey is over and showed a clear result, because as I expected, most of you want more content in the field of skinsuits, bodychanging and similar. This has already become apparent, I just wanted to see it confirmed with this survey.

At the moment the content here is very broad and I have already considered splitting the content, because certain special interests don't necessarily get along with others. So I am also in the mood for pure Futa stories. So far Futa was only a fun element, which appeared in a story, but here I want to do more, but I know that Futas are not for everyone. So also with contents like Vore, Skinsuit and similar. Those who like it, don't want to water it down with normal sex stories, but fans of normal sex stories are easily offended by such extreme content. Therefore I decided to separate these topics in the future over different Patreon Channels.

"Now he's getting megalomaniacal and wants to make money with x-channels" is what one or the other might want to say, I can clearly say, no, that's not what I'm about and you will see that clearly in the Patreon Groups, for which I have thought up the following extremely fair:

Bronce Patreons:

Nothing changes for you. You will continue to have access to the current releases, but with the restriction that they are now limited to the current channel, so the content will not be spoiled by unsuitable topics.

Silver Patreons:

As before you will get access to my complete archive. But the biggest change will be that you will be able to access the whole archive of all channels. So no matter which channel you subscribe to, you will have access to the same content.

Gold Patreons:

Besides the advantages of the Silver Patreons I will include you more in the selection of content in the future. I am currently thinking about how I can best do this.

What does that mean for the content here?

On this channel I will focus on the "Red" titles in the future. That means Skinsuits, Bodyswap, Vore and also some harder stuff that drifts a bit into the Guro area. No Gore and if then only as an effect. Focus should still be sex and not violence because of violence. It should remain "sexy" so to speak.

What does this mean for existing content?

The School of X-Magic is supposed to be a bit harder anyway, so this series will stay on this channel

Female Fighting League is first stopped and then moves to another channel.

FFL Red Edition will stay here and continue as planned

The Cult will continue and is already getting a new sidestory (see teaser image).

With Nora there will also be more crazy vore stuff here.

Furthermore there will be more projects like the announced cosplay story.

Other projects I worked on in the background will be released on a new channel except "The Asylum".

Shortly a Futa Channel will go live (more infos about that soon)

And don't worry, I think with my current plan I will be able to feed all three channels with regular content and hopefully you will continue to enjoy it.

More details about the new channels will follow soon.



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