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(Image shown is the 100 watchers thank you image for deviant.art)

The Halloween Special by School of X-Magic with the different torture scenes was actually only an idea fitting to the Halloween theme. And "The Cult" was just a fun project, because I found the theme cool and wanted to try it out. However, these two stories brought a lot of movement into my channel, much more than I expected.

From October until now the number of watcher on Deviant has increased from about 10 to 100+ and there are quite a few supporters here on Patreon who have been supporting me since then. I didn't expect this, especially not in reaction to these stories. Time to say thank you and think about how to go on here.

First of all, thanks for the great and, as I think, numerous support. To everyone who shares my pictures on Deviant and thus supports my work and brings it closer to others. And of course a big thank you to all the Patreon supporters who help me so much. I really appreciate it and will continue to put the support into this project to make it even better. 

I can compensate for previous investments in models and assets and even if I try to build more and more by myself or individualize existing assets, I will always buy new assets, because not everything can and must be done by myself, because you don't always have to reinvent the wheel. And here your support helps me a lot. I also had to realize that my former infernal machine (approx. 7 years old PC) is a bit outdated and can't cope with the calculation of complex scenes anymore. When rendering the new scenes of "School of X-Magic", for example, the graphics card says goodbye and the screen simply turns black and the computer stops. Fortunately, my laptop can still handle it (it's a Predator :) ), but I'll have to invest in new hardware in the next months and for this I'll use your support. Let's see what the new beast will have under the hood.

I'm doing this simply because I enjoy it, but if others also enjoy it and are even willing to support me as an "artist", it's extremely motivating and just "Fucking cool!” So thank you again for your support.

But I've also been thinking about what you like and what do I like and most of all what stories I want to tell in the future. And since most of the supporters have been about the two stories mentioned above, I decided to do more in this direction. Old ideas I will continue to run, or even adapt a little bit, but I will also try out things I have played around with rather timidly so far. And I hope you will have a lot of fun with it. I've always been open for weird and bizarre things here and I'm going to live it out even more intensively now. Because the fun with 3D-stories is: you can do nearly everything you want and nobody is harmed in any ways.

  • Female Fighting League for example will continue as before. Here everything stays the same, at least almost everything. 
  • At School of X-Magic I will finish the planned stories, some of which are already in progress, and then I will think about how to continue. Do I take a little break? Will it get weirder? Will there be a reboot? There are different ideas, but I will only worry about that when the next 2 episodes are finished and published.
  • The Cult will be finished with episode 4, but will get either direct followers or followers in spirit, here I already have different ideas, but I will only think about them when episode 4 is finished.
  • X-Company is the working title of a new series. Weird, bizarre, partly exaggerated, you will surely like it. The first episode is already in the making and on Deviant you can even see two pictures of it.
  • more to come... i clearly have too many ideas for the time i have to create them.

There will also be a "Red Label" in the future. This will include stories that might be too brutal or coarse for the current content. For some time now I've completely rendered the first episode for "The Asylum" an X-Factor comic (new series, more about that soon), but I didn't finish it, because I didn't know yet, how episode 2 and following will fit into my concept, as it will be rough and bloody from episode 2 on, as this will be a horror story with splatter and gorescenes. How bloody I still have to look, after all the fun of sex should be in the foreground and the rest is only part of the overall picture. With the Red-Label I can make good use of it and people who don't like that king of content, know that with the Red-Label they should keep their hands off. Under the Red-Label I will pack everything that has to do with violence, brutality and more.

Candidates for the red-label will be in the near future:

  • X-Factor: The Asylum and everything else that will be packed into the X-Factor series.
  • FFL Red (Female Fighting League Red), the experiences of those female fighters in a parallel universe where winning with a KO does not count as a victory yet. Episode 1 is already in the making.
  • and more

And as I already started with the Female Fighting League, I want to involve you more closely in the development of my stories in the future. 

As you can see, I have a lot more to do in 2020 and hope I will continue to meet your taste. 



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