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There is a new 10 image photoshooting online with Mary. And I did some updates on the 10 images from the shooting with Ellie. I replaced the shader of some parts of the car, that they look like chrome and rerendered them. 

I am also thinking about rerendering the shootings from Izz and Mai. But I will update you if this is done.

I moved the shootings from the work in progress folder to the bronce and silver folders for download.

And a short update about FFL episode 4. The scences are 50% posed already and most of them are already rendered, but I am not 100% happy with some lightings, so maybe I will update them again and rerender them. So next episode needs additional 2 or 3 weeks to get it finished. But next week I will release another story. A new one that only needs to get the texts added. An experiment and idea I wanted to try out. So watch out for it.



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