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you know, those moments where you have a good idea in mind about a comic strip. this idea is raw in your head, but you know it will work, the work is yet to be done, but in your head it has already matured.

you start with the first lines and you have the intuition that this will be a success. the painting is almost finished, the idea is perfect and you have already bought the champagne and hired the mariachis to celebrate.

when you do a routine search to find some documentation and finish your painting and discover that your idea had already occurred to you, not only to someone else, but that person has done it better than you....

You can imagine the look of confusion on my face when I saw that my idea had already been done by another artist.

so, out of rage, I did this and as a tribute I finished off the painting in the same way.

blatant copy? can be. plagiarism? evidently. XD but as true as when I pulled the hairs on my goatee when I found out. XD

I'm sure there's a word in German that describes this situation I've been through.


I hope you like my invention already invented... and patented... -_-¿

I have tried looking for the name of the author of the original piece but I have not found it...



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