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HIIIIIIIIIIIII my beautiful Vorshippers!!!! A few weeks ago we broke a record that was very very special for me, a record that after a hard preparation, process and a very long stream we could achieve!!! After a huge stream of 10 hours, we managed to drink 10.1 litres of unsweetened soda and some carbonated water of various kinds, reaching a simply huge and gigantic belly size, possibly the biggest belly I've ever had!!! Due to all the short term stretching of my stomach from all the soda, my belly is still a similar size to this day and unfortunately I got my first stretch mark on my belly, good thing it's small and I can cover it up with make up but that won't stop me feeling good about the whole event and the massive belly I still have to this day. <3

Because of this I will have a more dedicated preparation for future streams stuffings and try to decrease the size of my belly, but in the meantime enjoy the pictures (and any belly rub is welcome pls hdfsgbshfd).





Aaaaah I wanna rub it so bad, it has such a perfect circular shape @///@

jonathan pruto

You look great. I bet it feels great having a nice big belly like that. :)

Dave Diaz

O por la diosa más hermosa están bellísimas las fotos cada pose hace que me gusten más , hasta más calor me dio uffff😳 🥵🥵 las fotos muestran lo preciosa que eres 😊❤️❤️

Maxine Lujan

Your belly is making me act up Goddess Vora 😂🥰🥵

Ansel Ravenhart

Lotion and moisturizer should prevent stretch marks in the future.


Got room for me in there

Chris R

So beautiful and sexy congrats and you are amazing 😈💚👍🏻