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Hey Patrons!

Once more it is time to share my progress on the current project, and undressing Hu Tao turned out te be quite the challenge on the creative part, since I had absolutely no idea what to do with that huge thick top of hers...
However, after playing around for... quite a long time, I discovered that following the flow of her back pieces of cloth would make for a somewhat tasteful way of trimming her top.

And after adding the other parts of her outfit to the equation we get a total of 36 variants, including vanilla top, trimmed top and topless, shorts, patsu and nopan, hat and no hat, vanilla shoes and barefoot!
And as usual she will receive a swimsuit as well which I will start working on after the initial release!

There are still a few things I want to touch up on, like adding a bit of texture to her panties, fixing differing skintones on different parts of her body and of course programming the advanced toggles.
Another idea I had was adding a fuctionality where she reappears as a random variant after using sprint or enhanced changed attack, but I'd have to test if it is even possible or how to get it done.

In the meantime you can test out the current state by downloading the file down below and let me know what you think!
Toggles are 0, and 9 to toggle back.

Thank you for your support!




Awesome! Just the shading (none) under the trimmed top feels weird; I'm just testing in the character archive right now though. Also will the joints on idle animation be improved?


Adding shadows under the trimmed top sounds like a good idea, thanks for bringing it to my attention! As for the joints, I know that the elbow and (barefoot) ankle joints behave a little weird, and I tried improving the weights already but they turned out even weirder, so I left them as they are. I'd have to look into some advanced weight painting tutorials first I guess, so I am not planning on improving them for this mod.