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As a follow up to Circe, I designed her partner in the game, Angelo. Angelo is a proud and "noble" knight. The director wanted him to be heroic in design with a lot of darkness threaded throughout to harken to a demonic side. In addition, he has his iconic armband, a gold band with a rose embossed on it. 

Step 1: Thumbnails and Finalized Sketches

Angelo's design was simultaneously very difficult and very simple. Being a knight and having fullplate armor meant that there is a lot that can be done for his silhouette, but also it means that his armor needs to make sense or else it's really apparent. In addition, I was given the direction that his armor was to be "simple", which limited the range of silhouettes that I could give him. Ultimately I went for a classic Anglo/French platearmor style that felt like he could be on foot with it (rather than armor intended for cavalry). In addition, we tested out several capes, ultimately going for a small one over the shoulder.

Step 2: Color Palettes

This was fairly straightforward. Angelo was to have red be his color accent, and the director wanted him to have white hair. While armor can be any color you want, really, the director wanted this version to be fairly grounded in reality, so we went with a more muted grey.

Step 3: Finalized

After all was said and done, Angelo was designed. Ultimately, he gives me standard knight vibes, which was the direction the director wanted to go. I think if I could do it again, I would add some more flair to show more to his more demonic side.

Bonus: Rose Band

After the fact, I did a clearer illustration of the rose armband for our CG artist. It was a fun challenge  to break down the formation of the band!



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