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And here's the counterpart to Calcifer (here), Fatima! Similar to Calcifer, Fatima is a ruthless and cunning adviser to the king. Working her way up the social ladder as opposed to the economic ladder, she approaches relationships and people as a means to an end always.

Step 1: Brainstorming - So as I mentioned in Calcifer's post, Fatima is a woman who got her standing through social manipulation and engineering. I wanted her to be a clear counterpart visually to Calcifer, so instead of focusing on prim and proper, I wanted her to have flair and feel "stylish" but not tethered to a specific style or era. Accordingly, I pulled from late 1700s France and Rococo style.

Step 2: Sketches - Fatima's design goals were to have her be hot and Queen-bee energy. I wanted her to look like a French revolution-equivalent of the Mean Girl Plastics/Heathers. Lots of sharp angles, clean and cut and feminine. I figured filigree would be a nice addition and heels were a must. I wanted her "practical" to be tethered to aesthetic, not function. After talking with the programmer and a couple of friends who do concept art as well, I opted for a hybrid of the second and third versions of the sketches.

Step 3: Color - Fatima is intended to be the other half of the P1/P2 dynamic, so maroon/gold was the go-to throughout. I love the warm motif, and so threaded it throughout her skin, hair, and clothes. I also wanted a bit of feminine pink, so splashed it onto the accents. 

And that's Fatima! She was a lot of work to illustrate, especially with the filigree, but it was fun to challenge myself with detail.

Take care!




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