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Pack Poll #7 - Also Pack Suggestion Post

  • Anthrosonae (Xenotypes) 1
  • Anthrogenes (Xenotypes) 0
  • Outland Genetics (Genetics) 1
  • Hair Extensions (Hair) 0
  • Roo's Dreadlock + Roo's HD Dreadlock Hairstyles 3
  • Roo's Royalty + Roo's HD Royalty Hairstyles 1
  • Roo's HD Glasses + Roo's HD Accessories + Roo's HD Hairstyles 2
  • Revia (Biotech) 4
  • 2023-11-02
  • 12 votes
{'title': 'Pack Poll #7 - Also Pack Suggestion Post', 'choices': [{'text': 'Anthrosonae (Xenotypes)', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Anthrogenes (Xenotypes)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Outland Genetics (Genetics)', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Hair Extensions (Hair)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': "Roo's Dreadlock + Roo's HD Dreadlock Hairstyles", 'votes': 3}, {'text': "Roo's Royalty + Roo's HD Royalty Hairstyles", 'votes': 1}, {'text': "Roo's HD Glasses + Roo's HD Accessories + Roo's HD Hairstyles", 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Revia (Biotech)', 'votes': 4}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 2, 21, 14, 22, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 12}


Hey everyone! Thank you so much for your patience on Roo's Minotaurs. It took FOREVER to get working, but it works and that along with all the updated content will be uploaded in a minute (just doing a couple of more tweaks)! I was going to wait until tomorrow but have zero discipline and so figured a day early wouldn't be looked down upon c: So! Onto the next pack! I realized that Roo's HD hairs actually have a bunch of extra stuff outside of their standard versions, so I think the best way to compromise and not get me mired in Roo's lovely hairdos at the expense of meeting updates from other mods would be to group their stuff into a shared poll option. Two birds with one stone and all that. 

Quick note on Pawnmorpher - unfortunately, that one is going to stay firmly on the "maybe one day" pile because it uses HAR, which I haven't even started to touch in terms of implementation/integration with PotR. If I can get ahead of the stream of updates and all that, I'll look into HAR integration more, but it's definitely on the shelf for now.

So our options today are:

Anthrosonae by Avery (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2902258418)

Time Expected: This is going to be on-par with Alpha Genes, so several weeks

Anthrogenes by Triangular


Time Expected: This is probably going to be a bit more than Alpha Genes since there are so many...so probably 2-3 months? Hard to say fully

Outland Genetics by Neronix17


Time Expected: This is going to be on-par with Alpha Genes, so several weeks

Hair Extensions by Neronix17


Time Expected: It's just a bunch of hairs, so probably, like a couple of weeks

Roo's Dreadlock Hairstyles (+HD) by Rooboid



Time Expected: It's just a bunch of hairs, so probably, like a 3-4 weeks at most

Roo's Royalty Hairstyles (+HD) by Rooboid



Time Expected: It's just a bunch of hairs, so probably, like a 3-4 weeks at most

Roo's HD Glasses + HD Accessories + HD Hairstyles by Rooboid




Time Expected: It's just a bunch of hairs, so probably, like a 5-6 weeks at most

Revia (Biotech version) by [exe.] Шашлычник ;р


Time Expected: Assuming no issues - about 2 weeks probably?



I just wanted to add to the Roo's Glasses and Royalty Hairstyles - they had Ko-Fi exclusives, could those be included to cover all bases regarding these packs? https://ko-fi.com/s/29ccd0a495 https://ko-fi.com/s/ef6bd6cb61
