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Happy weekend, everyone! Hope you're having a good week. I've been working on the more logistical side of art lead/directing and made a giant project pipeline for the video game I'm working on. Weirdly I love this kind of stuff, so the time flew, but it did take a lot of the week, haha. Pushed the update for Won's hairs and the Shisune! The Alpha Genes: Androids update is there, too, but the heads are buggy. I'm enlisting the old bf to help me fix that for the next update. 

Since we've just opened the poll for the next big pack, I figure this is as good a time as any to sneak in a small mod I wanted really badly to put in - JoJo hairstyles! It's only the hair from Stardust Crusaders, so it shouldn't take more than a week or so to do.


Honestly I can't think of anything. Hmm. Finishing the season for the anime Oshi No Ko, and it's an absolute bop of a show. 

Other seasonal anime I'm watching is Magical Destroyers - that show is what I can only describe as pretentious-punk. I love it completely, but it is a complete ride that I have no idea how it's going to end (hopefully it brings its larger themes together in the end).  The show is super reminiscent of mid-2000s Trigger/Gainax in terms of the utterly insane dynamicism of the shots and character models, and while I think it's messaging is a little exclusive (few femme characters outside of the main cast), the themes of passion and subculture flying in the face of fascism is something I'm always going to get behind. Here's to loving what you love. I've been my happiest getting to dive headfirst into fandom (hey Rimworld modding scene) and art, so there's something really touching seeing such a love letter to the utterly punk nature of passionate self-expression and fandom. I know we've got people here who have their own passions, and I'd love to hear more about them! The world is a cooler place with people getting to explore the things that light a fire in them!

You guys take care!




That last sentence is so true! I love hearing people ramble on about their passions. With the awful air quality, I haven’t been able to go birding lately and it feels weird to be cooped up. ArtFight starts today though so I’ll have something to do in the meantime!


Hopefully the air will resolve soon! What team are you on for ArtFight? I’m doing it this year as well!