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Hey everyone!

Hope your weeks have been good and not too hot (or cold!) as we get into midsummer. Let's see, on the PotR front - working on Won's hairs and making progress. I'm thinking two-ish weeks until release? I'll send out the Shisune and Alpha Genes: Sanguaphages with that update.

On a semi-related front, I'm working on making the documentation for PotR now! Now that a lot of the major bugs are squashed, I feel good about doing a write-up on it, so I'll be dedicating a couple of hours a week to getting that done. Once it's released to the public, it'll have a link to the GitHub and instructions on how to get set up if people want to make their own assets or assets to replace mine. I wish I could do the B I G vision of it where there's like a whole Discord server and whatnot so other artists can coordinate making their own version, but I don't think I have the time. So it goes. That being said, I'm hoping other artists make their own vision with this, so hopefully once the instructions on how to make it are out to everyone, we can see even more art in the Rimworld community!


Just saw Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse, and it's genuinely one of the best animated movies I've ever seen, and I would argue one of the best movies I've seen period. I recommend literally everyone see it. Fun fact about me - last time I saw it, I ate a bad burger at that movie theatre and got hospitalized for food poisoning for three days. While I didn't eat a burger this time, I would totally take being hospitalized again to watch this. It was that good...that being said if I could avoid being hospitalized, that would be ideal.

Anyway, you guys take care! Have a good weekend and week!





Cool to hear about the documentation! I’d love to see expansions of this mod for different style sets and such. I’m currently in AZ on vacation and it is… overwhelming how different it is from WI lol! Not just the heat, but pretty much everything. I saw a robin and got confused for a moment because I wasn’t expecting to see them here for some reason, and all the cardinals have a funny accent. I think y favorite critter so far is the vermilion flycatcher. There’s a nesting pair right outside where we’re staying and they have so much personality!


No kidding! I haven't been to AZ, but I've been to NM and I loved it. High desert is one of my favorite biomes, though, so I'm kind of biased. That's so cool to hear about the different bird songs having regional affects! Makes sense as a Southern transplant in the PNW, I can relate, haha! Hope you had a lovely vacation!