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Hey everyone!

So this totally slipped off my radar, but there wasn't much to report anyway outside of some sketches. It'll take me a couple of weeks to get Won's hairs done, especially since I'll be out of town this coming weekend.


I watched Renfield this past weekend and I loved it. Very campy and very fun. Plus it's got Nicholas Cage, who as I understand it will also be a new hero in Dead by Daylight?? Was kind of hoping he would be a villain. Maybe one day we'll get the villain character of Actual Cannibal Shia LeBouf. A person can dream ;_;

How was everyone's weekends? I hope they went well! Here's to Monday, I suppose?




Ahaha Shia LeBouf might actually get me to play that game! Nic Cage was an interesting choice. My sister’s a big fan so she probably has more context than I do but I laughed when I heard about that