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Hey hey!

Hope you guys have had nice spring/fall weather wherever you are! I've been...so busy with game dev, and I found a bug that I hope to get squashed this week (in the mod, we treasure all arthropod friends here). But still got some progress on Roo's Hair Accessories done! Should be good to release next weekend. I'll also be throwing in the content for VE: Androids and Erin's Cottagecore to keep up with those updates c:


Hmm...honestly, I'm a pretty boring person so my life isn't that exciting, haha. I have family graduating left and right this spring, so I'm super proud of them! It's always awesome and humbling seeing the people you grow up with thrive in their respective careers and fields. And seeing lovely patrons graduate and grow in their own lives also! So cheers to all the graduates here! I hope you the genuine best, and I hope you can take a bit of a well-deserved break before jumping right into the next phase of your life! Be proud of what you've done because that's so awesome!

Congrats, all!





My week hasn’t been too crazy either, though I’ve done a fair bit of birding. Also added another tick to the Jar of Punishment™️ though this one luckily hadn’t bit me yet. I’ve got a little jar of isopropyl alcohol I drop them in to laugh at for eternity. They’ve got some pretty patterns when you can actually look at them tbh