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Hi everyone! I hope you're doing well.

So, it's been about, what 8-ish weeks since I released Portraits of the Rim? We've had updates, laughs, bugs, you know, the usual. In that time, I've also landed a job helping to co-found an indie game studio (largely thanks to the attention from Portraits of the Rim, so yeah, thank you all). Because of the amount of work that leading a team of artists and working to establish an indie studio takes, I have to plan my time better. I want to be clear I AM NOT GOING TO ABANDON THIS MOD. I have spent waaaaay too much time on it to just leave it as is, and also, like, I use it during my playthroughs, so I want to have it reflect more mods, too! So it will continue. But in the interest of my sanity and to prevent burnout, I'm going to be making a few changes to the Patreon and all that.

1. Getting rid of the tiers and lowering it down to $3/mo for everyone

The reason for this is two-fold:

1) I can't deliver at the level I would like for the tiers Sunny+, and so I'm going to just get rid of those and the corresponding perks of sketches and more assets, etc. 

2) I'll be getting rid of the Style polls and all that (see below) for those at the $5 and $7 tier, so at that point, there isn't really a reason to keep those tiers around since you'll just be paying more for, like, nothing in return.

2. No additional Style Sets (Rimworld and other modded styles are still on the table, though)

This is also a two-fold reason:

1) It's, like, a lot of work to make the Style Sets, surprisingly, and the fact that it's only for, like, a dozen assets feels more like I'm just adding volume rather than quality to the mod

2) As I keep adding other mod content to Portraits of the Rim, it's going to get bigger. I want to try and minimize any bloat that may occur, and I feel like the additional styles will bloat it further

3. Weekly Lofi Stream will be Open at $3 tier

Since I'll be getting rid of the $5+ tiers, I'll just fold the lofi stream down to the lower tier so we can all enjoy

4. Gonna put the Anime Overhaul on the shelf

I think we can all agree that me focusing on integrating more community mods is the thing at the top of the list, so I'm just gonna put this on the backburner as a nice bonus deal for an eventuality. Honestly, once I get some proper documentation, maybe another artist(s) will want to take that up. That'd be really cool! 

5. Refund for May and April

I don't feel right taking people's money without them getting what I promised in return at the quality I hold myself to. Because things have been so crazy in April and since the May Patreon bill has already been sent, I want to refund everyone. You're, of course, welcome to donate more to the Patreon than $3, but I'm not going to hold you to it. I'm just really grateful for any support, and the fact that my art has reached so many people is just...man, that just makes my whole life. So yeah! Thank you!

Things that Are Going to Stay the Same

-Weekly Updates: I like these! It's nice getting to share what's going on with everyone, and I genuinely like hearing about your weeks!

-Penny's Journals: I think that everyone (myself included!) really enjoyed these, so I'm going to keep doing them with xenotypes going forward

-Pack Polls: I still want you guys to have say in what I work on to add to the mod! So yeah, anyone at the $3 tier will get to vote

-Weekly Lofi Streams: Honestly, it's a good time to have me just sit down and do art. Plus, you can see some of the game dev stuff I'm doing (if that's interesting to you!)

-Integrating More Mods through Packs: I feel like this one is understood, but I still plan on continually adding more content to the mod. I'll send out a poll for the next pack later this week!

I think that's it? If there's anything that you'd like me to revisit here, please don't hesitate to say anything below! I want to make this a space that you all feel like your feedback is valued (because it is!). Thank you all again so, so much for your support. I'll see you in the next Weekly Update!





> "you'll just be paying more for, like, nothing in return." But what if I want to pay more anyway?


oh wow congrats penny! good luck on your new job and keep us up-to-date when you're able to! this indie game studio.. is it something we might've heard or seen before?


Thank you so much! It's actually new, so not yet! But if you wanna follow it, it's Charybdis Interactive on social media. It's kinda quiet right now as we finish doing a lot of the concept stuff in the next few weeks, but hopefully we'll have some of my art on it soon??