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Hey hey!

Happy Friday! Hope everyone has been a good week, and if it wasn't a good week, I hope you can take some time for yourself in the near future <3 And welcome new patrons! Please make yourself comfortable.

I 1000% bit off more than I can chew (which is kinda my brand these days, I guess). The Auronya took, no joke, like ten different changes (and reboots of Rimworld to test) to make them look nice enough to release. It was a big lesson in compression and art assets that I definitely learned the hardest and most inefficient way possible. So to that - didn't get quite as much concept stuff done this week as I would have liked, but I tried to release some stuff for you guys to enjoy into the weekend c:

I am going to try really hard and practice what I preach and not take on too much and burn myself out. One week of *a lot* of learning and testing and asset creation is doable, but doing that every week isn't sustainable. So to that, this coming week will probably be a bit quieter! Still will keep the rhythm going for Alpha Genes and Persona Hairs and Impid fashion, but I'll probably not make 100+ assets and do concept work at the same time again. That was a little overkill, haha. Lesson learned.

If you've made it to this point in my rambling, uh, thank you! I have a B I G  T H I N G in the works with my programmer to help make a system so that other artists can contribute (in their own name - I'm not taking credit for credit I didn't do) their own assets to the mod via Steam. The big vision is to open up the floodgates and create a space for artists to be commissioned/share their own additions to PotR as well. I'll still be doing my own thing and keep drawing for PotR, obviously, but I meant it when I said that I want this to be something for everyone. The world is a brighter and more creative place the more tools and access we give to each other to create! So it's time I pay it forward c: It'll take a while, and I don't want to promise too much right now as we figure things out, but yeah! I'm really excited and wanted to share here first.


I've actually been using ChatGPT with the Rimworld event prompts to see what kinda story it tells, and it's genuinely a blast. I would definitely recommend trying it out for yourself! I log them with the Diary mod so I don't lose my Rimworld fanfiction lol

ORDER OF PROGRESS (for reference)

Concept/Inspiration>Sketch>Asset Generation>Implementation>Test>Final/Release




Oh, also, if you do end up doing something akin to what I did with ChatGPT, I would love to see a blurb from it! Probably not the the whole thing just so we don't swarm the comments section, but I would love to see some bits and pieces of story!