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Hey everyone!

Happy Anomaly Day! Here's to spooky moments and stories with our beloved colonists. I spent the last couple of hours speed running the new content (read: I used Dev Mode and Character Editor), and now I can never be scared. I also know the things I need to draw (for the most part), and what I need to send to my programmer. So as I mentioned, I'll be benching Roo's Royalty hairs for a couple of weeks while I make the assets for Anomaly and implement them into the game. It doesn't look too bad. Definitely not as much as Biotech. Still quite a few things, and I'm looking forward to leaning into the horror angle for the art.

Other than that, getting my land legs for my other job, but it's going well! Also continuing doing some dev work on the side. We keep at it!

As I mentioned previously, today's stream (and the next couple) will be around Anomaly so SPOILERS ABOUND: youtube.com/video/y4Vpk4G8IrQ

Stay spooky, my dudes,



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