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Hey everyone! I'm going to share this post for both paid members and unpaid members since it's a bit of an...anomaly (heh).

What a week in terms of Rimworld, hunh? We've got Anomaly right around the corner and a 1.5 update to boot! So you're probably wondering what that's gonna mean for PotR. So we're all on the same page, here's the rundown:

Is PotR going to get updated to 1.5?

Fear not, because my ever diligent programmer spent the better part of Thursday night this past week updating the mod to be 1.5 compatible! So if you're an early-adopter type, you can continue playing with PotR! If you're like me and hold onto your modlist with an iron grip until the game crashes, then also fear not - it still works with 1.4 as always. As mods with textures in PotR continue to update to 1.5, I'll let my programmer know, and he'll lift the specific mod holds for 1.5. That means pretty regular updates for the foreseeable future via Steam. 

What about mods that don't update to 1.5?

The short answer is - they won't be in the 1.5 branch of PotR. That's just kind of the nature of the beast, unfortunately. I feel like most of the mods in PotR are fairly popular, so I figure they'll either be updated or continued by a kind modder, but this is something very much outside of our control beyond being diligent about checking for updates.

This brings us to two interesting caveats. One is related to Gradient Hairs. The way pawns render now is different, as I understand it, and that will impact how Gradient Hairs work and therefore how we implement it into PotR (F's in the chat for the week my programmer spent implementing that). I don't really know what's going to happen with the Gradient Hairs mod itself, so hopefully it will be possible to reintegrate into the 1.5 branch, but I don't know. Know that we are going to try our best with it, though.

The second caveat is a broader one, but specifically affects things like Roo's Satyrs, Minotaurs, and Fauns (also I think VE Archon?). Basically these mods use a slightly different system for generating the horns and tattoos than typically with mods (basically having an internal randomizing system based on broader genes like "Goat Horns" rather than a gene for "Goat Horn A", "Goat Horn B" and so forth), so we have a workaround that we use on our side to make them work. We don't know how that randomizer is going to be affected and how these are going to be rendered with the 1.5 update, so we'll have to sit tight to see how to best implement it. Hopefully it isn't too bad, but I just wanted to give you guys a heads up that these mods might have some bumps for implementation.

Are you going to draw the Anomaly stuff? When are you going to do that?

Of course! I want to play with PotR and Anomaly, too, so you bet your sweet heart I'm going to be powering through as soon as the DLC is released. 

What about Roo's Royalty Hairs?

Basically my plan is to keep working on them up until the the release of Anomaly, then pivot to Anomaly, get that done and released, then go back to Roo's Royalty Hairs. I miiiiight be able to get Roo's Royalty Hairs done before the Anomaly release, but there's 134 hairs (good god) so outlook on beating out the release of Anomaly is grim.

I think that's it on this! I'm happy to answer any questions. Also, somewhat related - I finally got the missing textures for Biotech mechanitor stuff implemented, so that should be released this Friday. Sorry about the wait on that!

Lofi Stream > youtube.com/video/IHb7Hc3qgAI 

Take care!




Leo Durocher

Nice to see this update and looking forward to it! Gonna be a lot of work on your end and it's appreciated. Hope to see those pigskin tusks so I can make some orcs with potr! Obviously not the priority though haha. Thanks for all your effort!


I was going to wait to release that with Roo’s, but I’m happy to release that earlier! I’ll try to get it in for the update this week c: