With warm welcomes and sad farewells the dwarves battle an army of monsters from the depths as they continue their search for riches!------------------- Thanks for all your help and patience. Hoping you had a great holiday my good bastards!
*An edited, illustrated and narrated playthrough of the game Dwarf Fortress* With warm welcomes and sad farewells the dwarves battle an army of monsters from the depths as they continue their search for riches! -------------------- Thanks to everyone who helped out with this episode! -Mrs K for her unending support and expert waxwork (she colors all the drawings. With colored pencils. formerly crayons.) -Ivan Duch for making the theme and a lot of other songs for Spearcavern: https://ivanduch.com/ -Kruggsmash theme created by Topherlicious: topheranselmo.com -Kruggsmash theme synthwave remix by Andrii Brynzak: https://www.fiverr.com/freelancers/abrynsound?source=gig_page -All of my patient, patient patreon patrons who I couldn't do any of this without: https://www.patreon.com/Kruggsmash -Anyone who bought any of my overpriced Teespring junk: https://kruggsmashs-bazaar-2.creator-spring.com/? -Bay12games and Kitfox for making this amazing game: http://bay12games.com/ -And of course, you, for watching, my bearded bastard.